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Project Partners

Meet the innovative minds and organizations that will collaborate in the InnoWaTr project.

Group photo of project participants
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Maritieme Academie Harlingen

Maritime Academie Harlingen  leads in European Inland Waterway Transportation’s (IWT) vocational training. MAH excels in simulator implementation, operates state-of-the-art training vessels, and has extensive connections in the IWT sector.

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Logistik-Initiative Hamburg Management GmbH

LIHH is a joint venture of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, represented by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Innovation, and the Logistik-Initiative Hamburg e.V.. The aim of this public-private partnership is to further expand the role of the Hamburg metropolitan region as the leading innovative logistics metropolis in Northern Europe and to network logistics-related companies and institutions. 

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POM Oost-Vlaanderen

POM Oost-Vlaanderen is the economic development agency of East Flanders, Belgium, dedicated to fostering sustainable growth by developing business infrastructure, promoting innovation, and facilitating collaboration among local enterprises, government bodies, and research institutions. 

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Seafar specializes in the remote operation of vessels using cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies. SEA’s expertise lies in combining vessel autonomy (navigation) and remote pilotage for smart and efficient shipping, particularly in inland waterways. 

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Logo NWL

Norddeutsche Wasserweg Logistik GmbH

NWL’s logistics transport enterprise contributes relevant competences and experience to the project, including close collaborations with Weser terminals, Wirtschaftsverband Weser e.V., and Bremen Ports GmbH & Co.KG. NWL possesses extensive expertise in barge transports, utilizing various modes of transportation.

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Institut du Droit International des Transports

IDIT is a research institute specializing in international transport law and brings relevant competences to the InnoWaTr2.0 project, including expertise in European Inland Waterway Transport regulations and comparative studies of regulatory frameworks, incentives programs and barriers to modal shift and greening IWT. 

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Logo Hout & Bouw

Opleidingscentrum voor Hout en Bouw vzw

OHB specializes in city logistics and construction material distribution. It is  actively involved in coordinating city distribution for construction materials in collaboration with Ghent, functioning as a Private-Public Co-operation (PPS).

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Logo WirtschaftersverbandWESER

Wirtschaftsverband Weser e.V.

Wirtschafrsverband Weser is a membership organization with 70 members, boasting strong connections in the German Maritime Business community. It possesses expertise in Project Management, the integration of varying Stakeholder interests, and has established a robust network within local, regional, and national administration.

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Logo TOP

TOP Mehrwert-Logistik GmbH & Co. KG

TOP Mehrwert, a Hamburg-based SME logistics service provider, specializes in delivering added value and technical services in B2B and B2C logistics. With a strong background in research and development projects, The company owns expertise in Service Management, new technologies, and Logistics Systems Optimization. 

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Logo Urban Waterway Logistics

Urban Waterway Logistics

Urban Waterway Logistics, categorized as "Other," is a Triple Helix consortium; uniting SMEs, government organizationsand research institutes. UWL specializes in urban waterway logistics, and actively engaging in real-life testing within Ghent.

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Logo Sogestran

Sogestran Logistics

Sogestran Logistics is an expert in waterways transport solutions in France and around of Europe. Thanks to its integrated design office and its subsidiary Blue Line Logistics, owner of its boats.SOG’s group has been developing a special barge designed to operate on inland waterways to transport goods of all sizes, as well as a wide variety of containers.

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Bremenports GmbH & Co. KG

BP brings a set of competences and experiences to the project, encompassing infrastructure management of inland and sea ports in Bremen/Bremerhaven, which includes port development, planning, construction, and maintenance. 

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HHX Blue GmbH

HHX possesses expertise in commercial shipping, including Inland Waterways (IWT) and related policy issues. It also has a strong focus on ship financing, with the ability to facilitate access to finance, handle financial structuring, and perform evaluations. 

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CIRCOE Centre de conseil et d’innovation en logistique

CIRCOE offers a wide range of competences and experiences that are highly relevant to the project. The organization's primary focus is on promoting economic development through logistics innovation. CIRCOE is skilled in optimizing logistics processes, which encompasses the application of LEAN Management and the use of logistics software tools like FLEXSIM and TRANSEPT.

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TU Eindhoven

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology specializes in engineering science & technology. The Operations, Planning, Accounting & Control (OPAC) group, focuses on controlling operational processes in various applications, including smart logistics. TUE addresses the challenges presented by digital, automation, and robotic technologies, seeking to optimize operational processes and achieve enhanced efficiency.

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Kuehne Logistics University gGmbH

KLU is a private university that specializes in logistics and management. Their Centre for Shipping and Global Logistics (CSGL) aims to enhance the maritime industry's competitiveness by combining academic research with practical experience. It focuses on improving operational and environmental performance in the maritime and port sector, offering expertise in policy design, innovative technologies and alternative fuels from a business, logistics, and sustainability perspective.

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OMRIN - Afvalsturing Friesland NV

OMRIN (AFD) is the leading circular waste processor in the Netherlands, serving as a trusted knowledge partner for municipalities and provinces in achieving their VANG objectives. OMRIN possesses expertise in optimizing waste collection, transportation, and circular processing to generate reusable energy and materials. 

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University of Gothenburg

Göteborgs universitet

GUY's representative possesses several years of experience in collaboration with IWT, and the University hosts a research center specializing in various transportation modes, including ocean shipping and road freight, along with intermodal solutions. 

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SSPA is a research institution part of RISE. Areas of interest includes for example ship hull and propulsion, zero-carbon and low-carbon fuels and propulsion technologies, wind-powered ships, sustainable maritime logistics, human factors, computational fluid dynamics, ocean energy conversion and naval research. 

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Seadvice (SAE)

Seadvise is a shipping company/maritime consultant that focuses on domestic/coastal/IWT seaborne transportation. As entrepreneurs and early movers we have a solid reputation and network enabling a market reach for the envisaged platform. Our focus is on handling materials like, masses, gravel, waste (non-dangerous) etc.

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KOTUG International BV

KOTUG is a leading global ship management operator with a fleet of over 100 vessels, encompassing inland pushers, tugs, line handlers, AHTS, offshore support, and escort vessels. It focuses on innovation, emphasizing assets, people, and digital platform development, driven by the energy transition. 

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Logo provincie Groningen

Province of Groningen

As a regional authority, Province of Groningen plays a pivotal role in managing most of the inland waterways within within Groningen’s jurisdiction. They possess the necessary expertise and resources to facilitate and promote environmental-friendly inland waterway freight transportation. 

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Provincie Fryslan

The Province of Fryslân has the ambition to become the best circular economy of Europe. Therefore they have to facilitate new circular freight flows. The Province of Fryslân has one of the worlds finely meshed inland waterways infrastructure. Despite that most of the traditional freight flows goes by truck. They possess the necessary knowledge and network to facilitate and promote new environmental-friendly inland waterway Circular Freight Flows Coalitions.

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Logo AMS

Auto Mooring Solutions

Auto Mooring Solutions specializes in automated mooring, particularly the development of an automated rope picker robot aimed at enhancing environmental sustainability and efficiency in mooring processes. This innovation promises quicker and safer ship mooring, particularly crucial for automated sailing and essential in Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) city logistics. 

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