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MegaBITS Pitching Session

Pitching Session Banner
2 minutes

On October 17th, 2023, the MegaBITS partners consisting of Province of Overijssel (NL), the city of Zwolle (NL), the city of Enschede (NL), the Province of Antwerp (BE), the City of Copenhagen (DK), the City of Hamburg (DE), and Le Havre-Seine Métropole (FR), all gathered virtually for the inaugural MegaBITS Pitching Session.

During the Pitching Session, numerous technological companies from across the world showcased their intelligent transport system products and services to our partners. The reason being that they are all in the advanced planning phase, seeking ITS infrastructure solutions for implementation in the next three years.

The pitching session was divided into three main focus groups: Journey Planning and Infrastructure, On-Bike Technologies, and Data Management and Analysis. The overwhelming success of the event translated into the Data Management and Analysis group being split into two, as an exceptionally high number of interested parties sought to present their ideas. Unfortunately, this level of interest led to the regrettable exclusion of some truly innovative firms, but we remain committed to organise similar events in the future to further visualise the developments in the Cycling ITS sector.

If you wish to gain a further insight into the technological advancements being made in the field of Cycling ITS, you can access the recording of the session as well as all the PowerPoint presentations used by the participating companies below.

Remote video URL