Intervention logic and indicators
Understand the basic structure used in Interreg North Sea applications and project reporting.
A clear intervention logic is key to a successful project application.
The intervention logic is the common thread running through a project application, from the project overall objective all the way to the project results.
The intervention logic includes six main elements that need to fit logically together. Two of these (1 and 6) belong at project level, while the rest belong at work package level.
You must choose relevant outputs and results from the following set of indicators.
The above output and result indicators are available for all projects, with one exception: Priority 4 projects cannot choose the indicators for pilots and solutions.
The Online Monitoring System automatically calculates the number of organisations cooperating across borders.
When selecting indicators, please make sure to link all parts of the intervention logic in a coherent way. The starting point is always the specific objective (SO1.1 – SO4.1). The specific objective links to all other apects of the intervention logic and also defines which indicators you can select.
You must set targets for the chosen indicators already when you apply; indicator targets are part of all the online application forms: Expression of interest, full application and small-scale project application. Please see the table below.
Projects must monitor their achievements against outputs and results in the indicator reporting module in the Online Monitoring System.
The indicator reporting module is set up in a way that all lead partners, all partners and all sub-partners have access to it and can therefore contribute to reporting on outputs and results.
The indicator reporting module is available at all times and can be accessed whether a reporting round is open or not.
Role of the lead partner
It is the task of the lead partner to go through the entries provided by the partnership by either accepting, editing or deleting single entries (f. ex. in case of overlapping information). The lead partner is also responsible for enabling the transfer of information from the indicator reporting module to the project level activity report. This can be done by pressing the button "Update now" under outputs or results in the project level activity report.
Outputs ("not achieved" vs. "achieved")
When reporting on either "pilot actions developed jointly and implemented" or "strategies and action plans jointly developed" you will be asked if a certain pilot or strategy/ action plan is "achieved" or "not achieved" (drop-down menu).
When to choose "not achieved"?
Please use "not achieved" when reporting on progress on either a pilot or a strategy/ action plan or if the development/implementation of a pilot/ action plan is not achieved by the end of the project.
When to choose "achieved"?
Only use "achieved" from the drop-down menu when a pilot action is fully developed and implemented or a strategy/ action plans is fully developed. When choosing "achieved" the pilot or strategy/ action plan will be counted as one achieved output in the project activity report. When choosing "achieved" for a pilot, the location of a pilot will be locked in the Online Monitoring System and used for final mapping of pilots. It is expected that the "achieved" status will rather be chosen after some time of project implementation.
Result ("Number of organisations that increased their institutional capacity in the thematic field of the project by actively participating in cooperation activities across borders”)
When reporting on the result indicator organisations with increased capacity, please remember the following:
1. The number of organisations with increased capacity includes organisations within the partnership but also organisations that are located outside of the partnership.
2. If you want to report an organisation, it needs to be defined in which field the organisation has increased its institutional capacity. An organisation can either:
- use new knowledge or skills
- adopt new tools
- adopt new procedures or workflows
- change the organisational structures
- other
Increased capacity in one of the fields can only be achieved by participating actively. Active participation is defined as morethan one instance of exchange in which an organisation played an active role. By doing so, the organisation has undergone a learning process through project activities.
3. The organisation with increased institutional capacity and the type of increased institutional must first be documented in a survey (see annex to Fact Sheet 22) before to be reported in the indicator reporting module.
Since an organisation whose capacity has been increased can only be counted once during the life of the project, regardless of the number of activities in which it has been involved, the number of departments involved and the number of different types of institutional capacity increased, it is recommended to report on this type of result at an appropriate point in the life of the project (e.g. not too early) to ensure that all the relevant types of increased capacity are indicated in both the survey and the indicator reporting module.
In order to avoid double counting, the Online Monitoring System is asking for VAT number of the organisations that will be reported with increased capacity. In exceptional cases, it can be accepted that an organisation does not have a VAT number.
The collected survey responses must be kept by the respective project partner for five full years from 31 December of the year in which the final payment is made to the project. An exception to this rule relates to Norwegian partners and partners under a State aid scheme: survey responses must be kept for ten full years from 31 December of the year in which the final payment is made to the project.
For more information about reporting on indicators in the Online Monitoring System please see the project guidance on indicator reporting here.
Feel free to consult one of our two project advisors dedicated to this topic.