Joint Secretariat
The Interreg North Sea Joint Secretariat is located in Viborg, Denmark.
The office is open 8 am - 3.30 pm Monday-Thursday, 8 am - 2 pm Friday.
Phone: + 45 2135 8853 or 2135 8854
Email: info@northsearegion.eu
Mailing address: Toldboden 3 E, ground floor, 8800 Viborg, Denmark

National Contact Points
Each member country has a National Contact Point (NCP) except for Denmark, where the Joint Secretariat is based.
The NCPs facilitate project development and delivery within their respective countries. If you would like to apply for funding, please get in touch with your NCP to help you navigate the process.
Please reach out to the National Contact Points listed below who will gladly assist you. Danish organisations are welcome to contact the Joint Secretariat directly for assistance.

Monitoring Committee
Meet the members of the Monitoring Committee.

Niels Bjerring Hansen | Danish Business Authority | nibjha@erst.dk |
Louise Møller Christensen | Ministry of Green Transition | lomoc@mst.dk |
Asger Andreasen | Danish Regions | asa@regioner.dk |
Henrik Jensen | Central Denmark Region (Managing Authority representative) | henrik.Jensen@ru.rm.dk |

Rasmus Bergander | Ministry of Rural Affiars and Infrastructure | rasmus.bergander@regeringskansliet.se |
Mattias Assmundson | Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth | Mattias.Assmundson@tillvaxtverket.se |
Linn Henriksson | Region Västra Götaland | linn.henriksson@vgregion.se |
Maria Korner-Westin | Region Skåne | maria.kornerwestin@skane.se |

Vidar Jensen | Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development | vhj@kdd.dep.no |
Ane Irene Saeternes | Eastern Norway County Network | annsa@afk.no |
Kate Clarke | Vestland County Council | kate.clarke@vlfk.no |

Muriel Dericquebourg | Région Hauts-de-France | muriel.dericquebourg@hautsdefrance.fr |
Bruno Dumont | General Secretariat for Regional Affairs, Prefecture Britanny | bruno.dumont@normandie.gouv.fr |
Claire Letertre | Region Brittany | claire.letertre@bretagne.bzh |
Madeleine Petitjean-Meritza | Region Normandy | madeleine.petitjeanmeritza@laregionnormandie.fr |

The Netherlands
Gé Huismans | Dutch National Government | ge.huismans@rvo.nl |
Stephan van Dijk | Province of Zuid-Holland | sj.van.dijk@pzh.nl |
Daria Abolina | Municipality of Almere | dabolina@almere.nl |

Germany (rotating representation)
Dr Heike Hagedorn | Federal Government | heike.hagedorn@bmwsb.bund.de |
Michael De Meulenaer | Federal Government | Michael.deMeulenaer@bmwsb.bund.de |
Christina Bredella | Federal Government | Christina.Bredella@bbr.bund.de |
Carsten Westerholt | Lower Saxony | carsten.westerholt@mb.niedersachsen.de |
Peter Krämer | City of Bremem | peter.kraemer@bau.bremen.de |
Sabine Schubbe | City of Hamburg | sabine.schubbe@sk.hamburg.de |
Jacqueline Edwards | Schleswig-Holstein | jacqueline.edwards@jumi.landsh.de |

Flanders (rotating representation)
Pim Bonne | Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works | pim.bonne@mow.vlaanderen.be |
Stefaan Pennewaert | Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship | stefaan.pennewaert@vlaio.be |
Hanne Witters | Province of Antwerp | Hanne.Witters@provincieantwerpen.be |
Liesbet Lefevere | Province of West Flanders | liesbet.lefevere@west-vlaanderen.be |
Julio Delva | Province of East Flanders | julio.delva@oost-vlaanderen.be |
Kristof Santermans | Province of Limburg | Kristof.Santermans@limburg.be |
Bart Van Beek | Province of Flemish Brabant | bart.vanbeek@vlaamsbrabant.be |