We support the evolution of a green, resilient and vibrant North Sea Region by funding innovative partnerships that cooperate across borders.
In the period 2021-2027, a total of €158 million is available in co-financing to transnational projects. We will allocate the available funding within four priorities through a series of calls for applications.

Cooperation front and centre
At Interreg North Sea, cooperation is a matter of the heart. We not only fund partnerships – we care about cooperation as a core value.
We seek to be accessible and help project applicants and partners along. And we make an effort to streamline administration so the projects can focus on bringing their ideas to life.
We also work together with other organisations, for example around events and campaigns. Our main cooperation partners are the North Sea Commission, Interact, DG Regio (the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy), and other Interreg programmes.

Our organisation
Our programme is set up by our seven member countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
- Our Monitoring Committee represents all member countries including governments and regions. The Committee takes key decisions on calls and funding allocations.
- The Managing Authority is the Danish Business Authority. They support the management of the programme.
- The Joint Secretariat manages the programme on a daily basis. As part of this, we assess applications, monitor and support our projects, organise events, and communicate the programme.
- Our National Contact Points support applicants and project partners in their country. They raise awareness of funding opportunities, help identify partners, and promote projects.

Supporting projects to do their best
Once a project has been approved, we support the partnerships to deliver their goals by providing guidance and helping to solve any issues emerging along the way.
We do this through online guidance, meetings and calls, tailored training, and events that promote experience sharing. We also strive to support the visibility of our projects and their achievements.