The 13 transnational programmes have jointly published a paper presenting three key strengths of transnational cooperation.
We are proud to present a new paper jointly prepared by the 13 transnational programmes. The paper is an outcome of long-term cooperation between the 13 programmes that cover wider cooperation areas in Europe.
Jointly, we have identified the core strengths of the transnational projects. Their set-up typically involves experts and stakeholders from several countries as well as different sectors. Such partnerships speed up innovation and lead to more robust and versatile solutions.
Based on 13 project examples - one per programme - the publication outlines how transnational cooperation builds solidarity, drives synergies, and delivers change.
Unlocking progress across Europe
The examples shine a light on the benefits that Interreg transnational projects bring to society in all corners of Europe.
The paper highlights the Interreg North Sea project STORM_SAFE which reinforces and futureproofs the digital systems that are a crucial part of water infrastructure. The transnational set-up enables the team to build on existing knowledge and quickly transfer know-how across the entire North Sea Region and beyond.

Much of the critical water infrastructure in the North Sea Region relies on software. Image ©Jurjen van der Most / Rijkswaterstaat.