Our Demonstrator Sites
Monitoring, evaluation, implementation of light reduction solutions
Along the North Sea coast, we designated 9 demonstrator sites to monitor, implement and evaluate 9 different environmentally-sound lighting solutions with different technical and/or systemic light installations. As lighthouse and showcase demonstrators in their respective partner region, the solutions – co-developed with regional stakeholders and citizens – boost the roll-out of tested solutions in neighbouring municipalities for a transnational replication throughout the NSR.
Assessments of all demonstrators regarding light pollution, environmental habitats and stakeholder needs took place.
Master plans for the lighting installations are developed in co-design with regional stakeholders taking into account their needs, technical requirements as well as benefits to the environment and end-users.
Monitoring of all 9 demonstrators will take place before and after the new lighting installations regarding light illumination, sky brightness and environmental impact (marine & terrestrial) while including research partners as well as citizen science to assess the impact on biodiversity and light pollution with common monitoring protocols. Read more
Evaluation of the overall success and challenges regarding technical, regulatory, financial application, user-acceptance and environmental impact contributes to recommendations for decision makers to implement light reduction solutions across the North Sea Region.
Photo: Pexels/Iryna Kuchakova

Explore the pilots performed under this project.