Guidance and tips on how to implement a North Sea project.
Once your project is approved you will need to get on top of all the rules and requirements. On this page, you will find guides and tips to help you get on board and execute your project with success.
Please note: This page is under development. Please make sure to check back for more guidance.
If you have not already done so, we strongly recommend you to get familiar with our main publications presenting our thematic framework and its context.
See main programme publicationsThe following fact sheets present the key rules and requirements that you need to be aware of to execute a North Sea project. We strongly recommend you read them to steer clear of any pitfalls and manage your project with confidence. In addition, you will find guidance below helping you to navigate our systems.
One of the first things you need to put in place after project approval is your partnership agreement.
Fact Sheet 14: Roles and responsibilities
Fact Sheet 15: Partnership agreement
Fact Sheet 15 Annex: Partnership agreement template
Fact Sheet 17: Partners and activities outside the programme area
The following fact sheets help you stay on top of your budget and make claims according to the rules.
Fact Sheet 2: Staff costs (not valid for Flemish partners)
Fact Sheet 2a: Staff costs for Flemish partners
Fact Sheet 3: Office and administration
Fact Sheet 4: Travel and accommodation
Fact Sheet 5: External experts and services
Fact Sheet 7: Infrastructure and works
Fact Sheet 10: Deducting revenue from payment claims
Fact Sheet 12: Tender procedures
Fact Sheet 13: Documentation and the audit trail
Fact Sheet 16: State aid (Version 1 - Calls 1 and 2 projects)
Fact Sheet 16: State aid (Version 3 - Call 3 projects onwards)
Add another partner manager (guidance for partners)
Appoint an Authorised Signatory at partner level
Transfer the ownership of an application
Appoint a controller (DK, NL, DE, NO)
Submit a report (regular projects)
Prepare an activity report (small-scale projects)
Prepare a finance report (small-scale projects)
Prepare an activity report (regular projects)
Prepare a finance report (regular projects)
Do you have questions that are not answered on this page? Feel free to contact us: