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travellers walking on a route

TakeUP workshop

Date: 21/01/2025 8:45am - 4:00pm
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
travellers walking on a route

On January 21, nearly 40 participants joined us in Copenhagen for the third TakeUP workshop helping them to power up their projects.

Many North Sea projects make their mark beyond their own organisations and far into the future. How do they do it?

The TakeUP event provided insights into the processes that can lead to a wider uptake of project work. The goal was to help project leaders and communication managers navigate their project towards the strongest possible impacts - their "North Star". The workshop also provided plenty of opportunity to network and exchange with other North Sea projects. 

The workshop was open for project leaders, communication managers and work package leaders from Calls 1, 2, 3 & 4. 

Event agenda

Curious about the event programme? You can find the agenda here.

Join the participants list?

Based on requests from several participants, we would like to offer to compile and share a participants' list from the event. Would you like to appear in the list? Please add your contact details by 12 February. 

Fill in your contact details

Download the presentations

Images from the event

Top image: ©goodstudio and Micella Rose via