Targeting the reduction of plastic outflow into the North Sea
A significant share of marine litter reaches the sea via rivers and inland waterways. An integrated approach to identify, remove, and reduce this riverine waste can make an important contribution to the elimination of plastic soup. The objective of this project is to reduce the outflow of plastic waste from rivers and inland waterways into the marine environment of the North Sea.
The project addresses four interrelated dimensions: Governance & policy, data collection and analysis, prevention and behaviour change, and removal of plastic waste from waterways.
The core of the project consists of a number of several Living Labs that represent different territorial contexts typical of the North Sea region (e.g. river, estuary, urban water system, harbour, coastal, inland).
Each living lab targets a combination of litter removal techniques, monitoring protocols, engagement approaches and policies. The aim is to develop robust, practice-based solutions for all 4 dimensions.
- Office for Regional Development Weser-Ems (DE)
- North Sea Foundation (NL)
- Hoogheemraadschap
- Noorderkwartier (NL)
- Province Noord-Holland (NL)
- Great Bubble Barrier (NL) VLIZ
- Flanders Marine Institute (BE)
- GRID-Arendal (NO)
- Municipalities and regions
- harbour authorities
- businesses or NGOs that are concerned with marine and/or riverine plastic pollution
We are especially looking for partners from France, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway that would like to implement a living lab.