SEAID SeaEducationArtificialIntelligenceDatasharing
Increase governance capacity for (smaller) port-optimization with safe data sharing, semantic interoperability, cyber security, legal and AI. Introduced and improved new governance models for multistakeholder management of ports. Greened operation and increased economic viability.
• If you want to contribute “in an interregional setting” to:
o “Governance capacity” of port-optimization by safe data sharing, semantic interoperability, cyber security, legal and AI.
o Improved and new governance models for multistakeholder management of ports; thus greened operation and increased economic viability in ports.
Connect ports, build NSR port network, connect ports with universities, higher education, identify data- cooperation-governance gaps, develop plans, implement, draw up lessons learned, share validated governance-business models, to be adopted by any kind of interregional NSR Public Private cooperation initiatives.
Some in France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands already.
Partners sought
Port authorities.
SMES, legal experts, data experts, technology providers semantic interoperability etc.
Universities, higher education.
Use case owners, cargo owners, terminals, shipowners etc.
Civil society partners, NGO’s