Enhancing biodiversity in the North-Sea Region through depaving actions (Depave-Renature)
In this project, we want to demonstrate and evaluate a novel approach for green infrastructure after depaving actions, that increases biodiversity taking into account soil and water pollution. We will bring together the grower’s plant knowledge (rural area) with the knowledge of the specific prerequisites of cities given by urban planners, landscape architects (all active in the urban area), ...
Specific themes that will be addressed in the project are:
• Suitable flower seeds and perennial species for urban environments
• Using poor urban soils after depaving actions as substrates for the development of urban nature with flower seed and perennial plantings
• Defining bottlenecks and good practices on design, plant choice, management of pollution, public participation, ... in successful projects
Both existing depaving projects as well as pilot projects testing the new innovative concept across cities in the NSR will be monitored and assessed during the project.
• City of Ghent (BE)
• City of Dordrecht (NL)
• City of Hamburg (DE) (under confirmation)
• Ghent University (BE)
• Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (DE)
• De Vlinderstichting (NL)
• Municipalities in France, Denmark, or Sweden
• Research institutions with expertise on the themes described above (partners from Denmark, Sweden or France are particularly sought)