Blue Space Entrepreneurship
The project aims to promote the integration of space technologies into the economy of the North Sea area. Many applications of space technologies are indeed transferable to key sectors of the area: maritime, agriculture, environment, logistics and security. The project will aim to support innovation in the large maritime thematic.
The overall objective of this project is to foster the creation of new companies using space-based data and technologies in the maritime sector and support maritime companies which want to develop new applications using space-based data and technologies.
Our ambition is to promote the meeting of these two growth sectors in the NS area through the analysis of the strengths, weakness and needs of each NS ecosystems. cooperation between the partners will allow for the exchange of good practice.
The project will set up actions to encourage the emergence of space-related projects and will facilitate the connection of this sector with maritime needs
We expect apply in call 2 (august to november 2022) to prepare a full application call 3.
- Technopôle Brest-Iroise – Brest, France
- Space Business Innovation Centre- Noordwijk, Netherlands
- AviaSpace - Bremen, Germany
- Innovatum Startup -Trollhättan, Sweden
- Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique - Brest, France
We are looking for space or maritime technical partners (centers, univerisities), maritime clusters. Business incubators specialised in maritime or space could also be involved in the consortium.
We are looking for partners in Belgium, Denmark and Norway.