Today, our Monitoring Committee approved 16 regular projects and 5 small-scale projects. In addition, 15 expressions of interest were approved.
We were blown away by the interest in Call 2 and are thrilled to announce the final decisions.
Twenty-one new projects enter the Interreg stage today, ready to promote exciting ideas to tackle stubborn issues, from Maritime Spatial Planning to plastic in the North Sea and circular office furniture.
Overview of funding allocations
The decisions made today allocate approximately €48 million in ERDF funding. Call 2 was not eligible for Norwegian funding.
Below is an overview of allocations to projects in this call.

Approved projects per priority
The number of approved projects and expressions of interest in Call 2 are shown in the infographic below. The interest in priority 2 was very high and this priority also has the highest number of projects approved.

Following calls 1 and 2, the number of projects per priority reflect the high interest in priority 2.

With these decisions, nearly 60% of the available European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding is now allocated.

Approved applications in Call 2

No regular projects were approved in priority 1.
- SUPER: Succesful User Participation Examples and Recommendations in Digital Mental health
- SUSTAIN-3D: SUpporting Sme TrAnsformation wIthiN 3D
- 3ST: Speeding up Sustainability Skills in Tourism
- GovTech: GovTech Innovation Capacity and Transnational Hubs to improve public services and accelerate the digital-green transition
- STORM_SAFE: Software reliability for critical infrastructures: Co-Development, Implementation and wider application of solutions in Pilot Infrastructures such as Storm Surge Barriers

- ANCHOR: Anthropocene Nutrient and water Control for HOlistic resilience and Recovery
- CEO: Circular Economy Office
- COPPER: Cities for Open and Participative Planning for Electricity grid Resilience
- DIOL: Develop Innovative Offshore Logistic - accommodating the needs from The Esbjerg Declaration
- InnoWaTr 2.0: Innovative Waterway Transportation 2.0
- LIHYP: Linking hydrogen power potentials
- MegaBITS: Mobilizing Europes Green Ambition through Bicycles and Intelligent Transport Systems
- MoLo Hubs: People-Centric Mobility & Logistics Hubs
- Industrial Transition Hotspots: Renewable energy transforms industrial sites
- WaterWarmth: Accelerating the transition towards sustainable heating and cooling based on collective surface water heat pump systems
- GREEN: Green Retail - towards a circular economy in the cross field between retail businesses, consumers and governance institutions
- SELECT: Supporting Electrification of Logistics fleets by analysing demand for Energy and Charging needed for Transition
- CBD: Changing Buildings Destiny – Circular Economy in the Construction Sector
- CLOSECYCLE: Towards territorial biorefinery networks: Closing cycles by products from residue based bioresources on regional levels
- MM: Mobility Makers: Customising sustainable mobility mixes to fit users’ needs
- SEAWORTHY: Nature-inclusive, insurable, and bankable multi-use solutions at offshore wind farms
- RADIUS: Rollout and Automation of Demand-responsive Transport to Interconnect functional Urban areaS

- Clancy Improve habitat quality and climate-adaptivity of freshwater ecosystems through management of alien invasive aquatic invertebrates.
- DivGrass Innovative biodiversity for climate resilient dairy grasslands in the North Sea Region
- DARKER SKY Reducing light pollution in the NSR contributing to biodiversity and dark ecological corridors
- REMARCO Remediation, Management, Monitoring and Cooperation addressing North Sea UXO
- TREASURE Targeting the reduction of plastic outflow into the North Sea
No small-scale project applications were approved in priority 3.
- COOL CITIES Cooling Networks: Reducing Heat Stress in Cities
- DEMASK Defining and Evaluating MAnagement Scenarios to Keep the North Sea soundscape healthy
- FIER Flooding, Infrastructure, Evacuation, Resilience
- WaL Wadden Water as Leverage Wadden: for a climate-proof future of the Wadden Sea Region

- Norsaic Cooperation Governance for Next-Level Maritime Spatial Planning in the North Sea
- EHRIN Excellent Hydrogen Regions in Europe
- GLEAM NSR Green logistics for a just net zero carbon economy in the North Sea Region
- Green Team Improved governance mechanisms for integrated and pro-active climate adaptation planning in public spaces
- Speak Up Tackling the challenge of how governments and citizens work together and talk to each other
Welcome and good luck
Today's approvals will set 21 exciting new projects in motion to drive positive developments in the North Sea Region. A warm welcome to all of them! We are excited to have so many new projects on board and look forward to helping them bring their ideas to life. We wish them all smooth sailing.
And good luck to the partnerships behind the successful expressions of interest. We look forward to the full applications!