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A large crowd gathered in front of a large blue veil with golden stars.

REGIOSTARS: BITS takes top honours for trailblazing smart cycling

A large crowd gathered in front of a large blue veil with golden stars.
3 minutes

On 9 October 2024, our BITS project took home a REGIOSTAR Award for their groundbreaking work to make cycling smarter, safer and more enjoyable. 

Also known as the Oscars of Cohesion Policy, the REGIOSTARS Awards is the label of excellence for EU-funded projects in regional development. We are exceedingly proud that BITS earned this coveted prize. 

BITS won the top award in the category Connected Europe. Juror Andrea Claudia Serban highlighted the project's innovative approach of applying Intelligent Transport Systems to cycling. She also gave praise for its place-based aspects. BITS showcased a staggering 33 solutions addressing specific needs in local areas. 

BITS was the best of the best. It impressed us by its contribution to cohesion, sustainability and inclusion, making European Union territories even more connected in a greener and smarter way.

Juror Andrea Claudia Serban, Bucharest University of Economic Studies 

Head of Secretariat at the North Sea Programme Christian Byrith echoed this praise: "I commend BITS for pioneering smart solutions that will boost cycling across the North Sea Region and beyond."  

Two men on stage receving an award, with Commissioner Elisa Ferreira seated next to them.

BITS representatives receiving a REGIOSTAR Award amid accolades from the room. From left: European Commissioner Elisa Ferreira, project manager Ronald Jorna, mobility strategist Wim Dijkstra (Province of Overijssel) and moderator Olaf Bruns. Photo: European Commission.

Wim Dijkstra, mobility strategist at the lead partner Province of Overijssel, said: "This was a wonderful surprise! We didn't count on it and we are really honoured. This prestigious award absolutely reinforces our Province's commitment to cycling and to innovate by working across borders." 

Project manager Ronald Jorna also expressed his gratitude: "Receiving such a recognition gives a real boost to all the BITS partners. It also energises the partnership in the follow-up project MegaBITS to do even more!" 

Three North Sea finalists shone bright

In addition to BITS, two other Interreg North Sea projects - JOMOPANS and TOPSOIL - reached the REGIOSTARS finals. We were delighted to witness them all deliver masterful live performances in Brussels. 

Programme and Project Coordinator Sarah Holsen said: "Reaching the finals is in itself a fantastic recognition. All three finalists are outstanding projects making a real difference, and I am very proud that they made it to the final round." 

The REGIOSTARS Awards are highly competitive. This year saw a record 262 entries, from which the jury selected 25 finalists and ultimately only five winners - one in each category.  

A group of smiling people on a stage.

The North Sea REGIOSTARS finalists with the Joint Secretariat (JS). From left: Ilke Borowski-Maser and Stevie Swenne (TOPSOIL); Sarah Holsen (JS), Ronald Jorna (BITS), Femke Boersma (JS), Wim Dijkstra (BITS),Sofie Forfang (JS), Niels Kinneging and Emily Griffiths (JOMOPANS).

A time to celebrate cooperation

The REGIOSTARS Awards were part of the iconic annual event European Week of Regions and Cities. Other activities also filled the week including interactive sessions and displays. 

Another two of our projects, WaterWarmth and Speak UP, played a role in sessions, and we were able to showcase North Sea projects in the popular exhibition area.

At the REGIOSTARS Gala event, Commissioner Elisa Ferreira said: “It's important to have place-based development, coming from the regions, from the municipalities, from the institutions. That’s how you can build Europe. You can not build Europe only top down.”  Indeed, the Interreg projects showcased at this event bear testimony to the strength of cooperation addressing challenges in real places.

Check out the slideshow below to see some Interreg North Sea highlights from the event: 

Top photo by the European Commission.