Pass on your legacy by making your work attractive and accessible. Here is your guide to wrapping up your work as you get nearer to project completion.
Getting closer to project completion? We encourage you to focus strongly on communication during the final stages of your project.
On top of any previous efforts to communicate your project, this period is a crucial window of opportunity to showcase your whole body of work, including your final achievements and impacts.
It is also a perfect time to reinforce your relations with your takers (groups who may adopt and reuse your work). For one thing, your project website will stay online for at least 10 years after project closure. This is an amazing asset for staying visible and generating long-term impacts - providing you manage your site well before your project ends.
To sum up, the work you put in now can make or break your chance of leaving a lasting legacy. To help you with the last leg of your journey towards success, we have produced a concise guide capturing 7 tips to leave a legacy that shines. It also guides you to avoid future hassle by ensuring compliance with the communication rules.
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More guidance on project closure
To find all our guides on project completion, check out the link below.
Images ©Lemono (top), ©fitriawati22/Suwondo Creative Studio via Canva.com.