Following overwhelming interest in Call 2, our remaining funds are limited. Options to apply in Call 3 will therefore be restricted.
On 12 and 13 April, the Interreg North Sea Monitoring Committee met to discuss and decide on applications submitted in Call 2. Five small-scale projects and 16 regular projects were approved. You can find an overview of the successful applications here.
Combined with the 17 projects approved in Call 1, the programme's remaining funding for priority 2, in particular, but also priorities 3 and 4, is running low.
Options to apply in Call 3
Due to the limited amount of funding that remains, the Monitoring Committee decided to adjust the focus of Call 3:
- Full applications will be welcome in all four priorities. Please note that full applications must be based on approved expressions of interest submitted in Calls 1 or 2 or rejected full applications submitted in Call 2.
- Expressions of interest are welcome in priority 1 only. We cannot accept expressions of interest in the three other priorities due to low remaining funds.
- Small-scale project applications will be allowed only in priorities 1, 3, and 4.
- There is no funding available for Norwegian partners in Call 3.
We understand that this message can be frustrating and disappointing for those that are preparing proposals in categories that are now closed due to overwhelming interest. If your first choice is now excluded, we hope you will consider an alternative. Priority 1 allows for a relatively broad range of topics and has a fair amount of funding left. We will gladly help you in discussing your options.
You can find more information about the priorities here. A guidance note for Call 3 providing more detailed information will be published on Monday, 17 April. The Online Monitoring System is already open for you to start your applications.