On 16 January, the Hamburg Senatskanzlei is hosting an online seminar in Germany on financial reporting and control in the context of the North Sea Programme 2021-2027.
The seminar is focusing on programme rules and the linkages to control and reporting in Germany. It will provide participants with a better understanding of the cooperation needs between the controller and the project partners.
It covers the same topics that were addressed in the previous Financial Reporting and Control Seminar for Germany-based paricipants, held in June 2023.
When and where does it take place?
This is an online event taking place on 16 January 2024 10 am - 1 pm.
Who should attend?
Lead partners and partners responsible for reporting, controllers, and other parties involved in reporting and control of projects. We strongly encourage lead partners and partners to join if you have not participated in the previous event in June 2023. Controllers must participate in at least one financial reporting & control seminar in the VIB funding period (2021-2027).
Please note that participants should be working in Germany as national rules and regulations will be addressed.
View the programme and register (in German)
For more information about the seminar or programme please contact Jenny Thomsen: jenny.thomsen@interregnorthsea.eu.
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