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Keyboard with a key saying online seminar

Financial Reporting and Control Seminar, France

Date: 23/09/2024 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Online WebEx
Keyboard with a key saying online seminar


This event will be held online on the 23 September from 09.00 - 12.00 with the French Authorities and Joint Secretariat in the context of the North Sea Programme 2021-2027. 

The seminar is focusing on programme rules and the linkages to control and reporting in France. Participants must be working in the host country (France) as national rules and regulations will be addressed.

Who should attend?

This event is for lead partners and partners responsible for reporting, controllers, as well as other parties involved in the reporting and control of projects in France which were approved in Call 4.

Please note: lead partners and partners responsible for reporting are required to attend to qualify for requesting payments from the programme.

Get Prepared

Before joining the event, participants are asked to read the relevant Fact Sheets and guides available online on the programme website here.  


You can find the programme for the seminar  HERE.

Please use THIS LINK to enter the seminar.

For more information about the seminar or programme please contact Marie Martin Kjærsgaard (



Image: By relif from Getty Images