Household greenwaste as valuable input
The showcases in Flevoland are two fold. The first sub showcase is about improving the soils in a rootstock and apple tree organisation, the Vermeerderingstuinen. By using the upgraded organic biowaste streams of the province into a high quality compost. The material is coming from the fruit- and vegetable boxes of consumers. And wastestreams from supermarkets. The challenge is to combine the suitable wastestreams and to improve soil life and soil structure. The soils in Flevoland are sea clay soils, Containing high amounts of calcium and low in phosphate. Besides the nutrient content, also existance of for example virus-transmitting nematodes have to be taken into account. Especially in this organisation were they make virus free starting material for fruit growers. In the showcase also organic mineral fertilizers are applied. OPF (11-0-5), produced from molasses and Monterra (10-4-4), 100% organic from animal and vegetable raw materials. Also a product from composted chicken manure was applied. In the showcase we work together with companies who are also themselves looking for valuable waste streams which can be upgraded and used as a fertilzer. For the coming years, we will also focus on replacing peat in the rootstocks.
Photo: A3Impressies for project SOILCOM