Welcome to CLOSECYCLE!
CloseCycle started in January 2024. CLOSECYCLE is working towards Territorial Biorefinery Networks. Local networks are formed to valorise a variety of local (urban and rural) bioresources towards useful end products for agriculture and industry.
Starting from characterizing the residual waste streams, measuring the suitability and applying the appropriate processes we will end up with useful end products. Products that support plant-soil systems (for example composts) and products for other purposes. Attention is also paid to by-products like methane.
· Efficient use of regional residue based rural and urban bioresources
· Building networks and demonstrate use cycles with local value creation
· Focussing on local residues and technically feasible process cascades
· Digital package of tools to improve local bioresource management
· Guide for process cascades to deliver residue-based products
· General TBN establishment strategy with concept examples
· Showcases of advanced practices for regional bioresource valorization
· Organizations took up digital package, process guide and TBN strategy
· 100 organizations increased institutional capacity due to their participation
· Showcase solutions are taken up or up-scaled by organizations