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Starting up CLOSECYCLE

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End of April this year the 18 partners of CLOSECYCLE joined in Hamburg to start up the project. Partners introduced the plans for the different workpackages. And inspired each other. 

After two days of shaping and planning of the workpackages, the consortium visited the 'Entsorgungs Betrieb Lübeck' (EBL). EBL is the intermunicipal company responsible for, among other things, waste disposal in Lübeck. They built a wet mesophilic digester for this purpose. After digestion, the digestate is separated via centrifuge into a solid and liquid fraction. The solid fraction is taken to the composting facility where it is mixed in a 50/50 ratio with green waste. Almost all the compost made by EBL is mature compost. 80% of the compost goes to a potting soil manufacturer. The remaining 20% is turned on in organic farming.  

The second visit was to Gräflich Bernstorff’sche Betriebe. This agricultural company has different activities: arable crops, cows and forestry. The different activities result in a combination of organic waste streams which can be used to develop compost. Very interesting to get to know the partners of CLOSECYCLE by visiting these companies! Both German companies are actively involved in the German showcases. 

