End of September 2024 more then 120 visitors participated in the Delphy Open Nursery day. Also CLOSECYCLE was on the agenda!
On the open day, visitors are guided along the different trials and introductions. Also the CLOSECYCLE trial was on the list. In this trial Delphy is looking for alternative substrate materials as an alternative for peat. There is a large interest in the effects of new substraties on growth and plant health. The first preliminary results, show that also a good growth of Thuja plicata Gelderland can be achieved with the new substrate mixtures. There was a lot of interest in the cultivation aspects when using peat-free substrates. In the wet growing season, nutritional raw materials prove beneficial for growth. Materials in which nitrogen immobilization has occurred give a somewhat smaller plant with slightly less good color. The plants are measured in November and the final cultivation results will be determined. The results can be found in a new article, later this season!