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Biogas kantine

Abfall-Atlas 2022 published

Biogas kantine
2 minutes

The Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) published the ‘Abfall-Atlas 2022’.  Starting in the Interreg North Sea Region project SOILCOM, now within CLOSECYCLE the end product is ready to use.

The main target of the 'Abfall Atlas'was to visualize the nationwide status quo of collecting waste. And to help increase the appreciation of waste as a resource. 

The focus in the Atlas is organic waste. A bioresource with a considerable exploitation potential, Even though the separate collection requirement of this waste has been in force since the BioAbfV in 2015,  this waste stream is not yet fully appreciated. 

So far there has been a lack of a comprehensive overview of the situation on organic waste and residual waste collection in Germany. In the  Waste Atlas 20 maps are presented with short explanations and essential observations. 

The data for the visualized indicators comes from over 5100 evaluated sources of all public waste disposal providers (ÖrE) in Germany. They represent the data situation from 2022. This is public accessible data was structured including references to sources stored in the online tool BRIT (also developed in the earlier project. Within CLOSECYCLE the BRIT tool is developed further.

The maps provide a comprehensive and relatively up-to-date overview about the situation in all German collection areas. The Atlas offers inspiration and will lead to a more sustainable use of resources!  To see this beautifull overview of maps of different wastestreams in Germany, please take a look on:

Abfall atlas