POPUP Talk: Challenges of wood fibre application in plant substrates as a peat substitute
CLOSECYCLE invites you to the online PopUp talk on January 22nd 2025 about the “Production and use of wood fiber materials as peat substitutes”. Fokko Schütt and Jörn Appelt from the Thünen Institute of wood research will report about the project “HoFaTo” which aims to increase the possible amount of wood fibers in plant substrates. And at broadening the possible raw material base for the wood fiber production.
Reducing peat extraction contributes significantly to climate protection. Wood fiber materials can already be used to replace up to 30% of peat in planting substrates. However, several challenges must be overcome to achieve higher substitution rates. These challenges include increased microbial degradation of the fibers, which leads to nitrogen immobilization by the microorganisms. Leading to insufficient nitrogen for plants. The project HoFaTo therefore aims at producing wood fibers with improved resistance to microbial degradation by adding additional lignin in order to reduce the resulting nitrogen immobilization. Furthermore, additional nitrogen is to be made available in the plant substrate in the longer term through oxidative accumulation of nitrogen on the lignin. In sum, an improved nitrogen supply for the cultivated plants shall be ensured as a result.
An additional aim of the project is to clarify the possible hazard potential of processed wood fibers. Therefore, substances are being identified that are formed in the wood fibers during heating in the manufacturing process and the resulting products are assessed in phytotoxicity bioassays and plant tests. Project link: Thünen: Wood Fibers as peat substitutes
Interested in participation? PLease send an email to: closecycle.nsr@gmail.com Then we will send you the zoom link for the meeting.