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POP-Up Talk: guidelines for improvement of collection and treatment systems for compost and digestate

Steffen Walk, representing the European Compost Network, will update us about the LIFE BIOBEST project and the different very useful guidelines. The LIFE project BIOBEST aims to identify and validate the current Best Practises and management instruments along the bio-waste management chain (from generation to treatment). This will lead to Key Performance Indicatiors for the production of quality compost and digistate. Based on the analysis of the experiences and existing databases, 4 guidelines and two decision support trees are developed. The guidelines and decision support trees will help authorities to adapt bio-waste management models. On the agenda for this interesting POP-UP talk:

  • Policy brief including the regulatory barriers: Indentifying and analysing policy and regulatory barriers for the production of high-quality compost and digestate from bio-waste
  • Guideline on governance and economic incentives: Governance tools and economic instruments needed to improve bio-waste management schemes
  • Guideline on quality compost and digestate: Processing options, analysis of product characteristics, quality assurance and best practices of treatment
  • Proposal for bio-waste quality standards sent for recycling and recommendations for recycling rate calculation: Proposal for EU standards for bio-waste entering recycling processes for high-quality compost and digestate


Interested in joining the PopUp talk? Please send an email to: And mention PopUp talk, 17 september 2024. We will send you the link for the zoom-meeting. 

Date: 17/09/2024 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Online