Scale-up Landing Pads - Network of regional “Scale-up Landing Pads” for strengthening long-term growth of innovative, high-potential scale-ups inside the North Sea region
Currently, regional entities of the North Sea region (NSR) try to support the international growth of their scale-up companies on their own. To overcome the limitation of isolated local activities, the objective of this project is to form a transnational exchange and support program for high-potential scale-ups to create valuable synergies for strengthening the overall innovation capacity in the NSR.
This project will develop a joined transnational non monetary Scale-Up Fast Track Programme of "Soft Landing Pads" to provide support on additional office / production space and local networks / partners for growth in new regional markets / financing etc. inside the NSR. In this way, the inbounding scale-up landing pads of one region can complement the outbounding efforts of the other and vice versa.
As a result, the project will improve the framework conditions for growth, innovation penetration and the introduction of new technologies in the respective regional markets.
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- Private or Public Economic development agencies already serving scale-up companies (industry strand),
- non-profit organization that can evaluate and promote the societal benefits of emerging technologies, particularly in the area of green transition (civil society strand),
- administrations that have policies in the area of scale-ups (government strand)
to form a quadruple helix.