Recycle and remediate soils to reduce transports in the construction sector
The city of Helsingborg is one of 100 European Mission Cities, a part of the EU's Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities initiative. We have raised our climate ambition and is with this project is to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. The largest waste streams in the municipality´s operations are excavation masses and construction waste. It makes sense to focus the transformation to a circular economy to the construction sector. We have identified transports of large volumes of soil and excavation masses as a big source of unnecessary transports and use of fossil fuel. Our project idea is to minimize such transports by recycling excavation masses as much as possible, but also to plan the projects differently. We would like to develop methods and understanding in our contacts with authorities to secure a way to use more recycled excavation masses in to our normal projects planning activities. We are also interested in exploring different procedures to remove contaminants on site.
City of Helsingborg NSR AB – a regional public waste/resource company in Helsingborg area
We think that other cities and organizations in the North Sea Region could have useful knowledge and experience of soil remediation and planning with recycled soils. We look for innovative cities, regions, companies or organizations in Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and France that are interested in developing smarter ways to recycle and remediate soils of various qualities, as well as reducing heavy transports in the construction sector.