GreenPorts – consolidation centres by co-creation for sustainable, innovative heavy duty transport
The Middelfart Municipality (lead) in the South Denmark aims to develop and pilot a concept for a consolidation centre where co-creation drives sustainable, innovative heavy duty transport solutions. The municipality are experienced with Interreg-projects and interested either in North Sea or Baltic Sea program. Approach: Explore synergies between (preliminary) 1) Entrepreneurship (hardware, software and softtech) incl. development of test areas and use of co-creation methods: The possibility of establishing entrepreneurial environments within transport and logistics/hardware/software start-ups must be investigated. The requirement for participation is that the entrepreneurs work with innovative solutions to make urban logistics and cross-country transport more sustainable. 2) Co-creation with education and businesses: Collaboration with educational insitutions to develop courses and concepts around the workforce of the future. 3) Outreach and access for the wider public
Municipalities and business associations