CARBOLOCAL - Helping to sequester carbon by limiting the impact of agricultural activities
The initial objective of the project was to engage local farmers in projects that would limit the impact of their activity on water quality, biodiversity and soil erosion by using the carbon credit tool to bring together companies interested in carbon sequestration and farmers or municipalities.
Since 2021, the urban public authority of Le Havre Seine Metropole (275,000 inhabitants living in 54 municipalities) has been testing this solution on a small-scale basis through the planting of 17 km of hedges, compensating a total of 1,300 tons of CO2 eq, through 21 projects involoving 17 companies.
Now we propose that "Carbolocal" become a tool for the ecological transition of our territory. Thanks to an innovative green finance service, Carbolocal would be a local and trusted player able to intermediate and support environmentally and socially virtuous projects (e.g. plantations, buildings, mobility) and local business entrepreneurs.
We would like to continue the project with three components: the territorial coordination already underway, the prefiguration of a legal and financial support tool (e.g. company, association), and reliable methods for calculating the carbon impact and environmental co-benefits of financed projects.
We are looking for a lead partner willing to share this experience and to capitalise on it for a better dissemination of these good practices.