Join the North Sea project community roundtable series - UPyourIMPACT
How are you working to increase your project's impact? What have you tried to boost capitalisation, and what lessons can others learn from your experience? The UPyourIMPACT roundtables gives you the chance to exchange practical capitalisation experiences with projects working in the same field or sector. These online roundtables focus on project-to-project learning.
Why join?
With the UPyourIMPACT roundtables, we aim to build on and strengthen the learnings and connections made at the TakeUP and BuildUP events.
The purpose of these roundtables is to increase chances of capitalisation by:
- Share your capitalisation efforts and find practical solutions to common challenges
- Learn what works (and what doesn’t) through real project experiences.
- Connect with projects working on similar topics or sectors.
Who is it for?
Lead partners and project partners of current Interreg North Sea projects are invited to these roundtables. For each roundtable we will indicate the projects most relevant for the chosen theme. Representatives of other projects, however, who consider themselves strongly linked to the theme, are also welcome.
What to expect?
The Joint Secretariat will facilitate the roundtables. Seven online roundtables will take place by the end of 2025. Each session focuses on a specific sector or theme and lasts two hours. Sessions include project stories, practical tips, and interactive discussions. We expect active engagement from all participants.
UPyourIMPACT themes
We will host the following 7 roundtables in 2025:
1.Circular economy: Driving the circular economy across sectors
Key projects: Anchor, BBoBB, CEO, CIBIP, CircleBIM, Closecycle, CTB, Green
2. North Sea & water management: Water resilience and ecosystem health
Key projects: Anemoi, Connected River, Fier, Norsaic, Storm_safe, Treasure, Demask, Remarco
3. Mobility & urban logistics: Towards sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions
Key projects: Active Cities, Gleam NSR, MegaBITS, MM, MoLo Hubs, ShareDiMobiHub, SMALL, SN2
4. Energy transition: Renewable energy and its infrastructure
Key projects: Diol, Grith, Nessie, Oasis, WaterWarmth, Bioze, Brave, Copper, Super Smart Charging Hubs
5. Climate & biodiversity: Climate change impact and adaptation
Key projects: 3ST, Biodiverse Cities, Blue transition, Darker Sky, Kid, DivGrass, Expbio, Freiia, Green Team, Clancy, Cool Cities, Manabas Coast
6. Hydrogen & transport: Improving sustainability in transport and ports
Key projects: Ehrin, Green Supply Chains, Grit, H2ignite, InnoWaTr, NS H2V Ports, REDII Ports, Select, Spies, Lihyp
7. Innovative societies: Leveraging (digital) innovation for resilient and inclusive societies
Key projects: ACE, D4A, DigiH4A, Digital Kiosks, Disco, Super, Listen, Speak Up, SIRR, Sustain-3D
We will announce each roundtable approximately 1 month prior to the event. The announcement includes a registration link and the set of projects identified by the Joint Secretariat to fit with the theme. As noted earlier, other projects are very welcome to join.
For your reference, here are the dates for the first three UPyourIMPACT sessions:
- 1 April: Circular economy: Driving the circular economy across sectors
- 20 May: North Sea & water management: Water resilience and ecosystem health
- 17 June: Mobility & urban logistics: Towards sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions
We will announce the dates for the roundtables after the summer break in due time. We intend to hold 1 event in each of the following months: September, October, November, December.
Any questions? Feel free to reach out to Femke Boersma.
Top image: Created with Canva: Paint_art creation & Camille Ramos from sparklestroke