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Image presenting the event with lego bricks

Registration is open - BuildUP October 22 & 23

Image presenting the event with lego bricks
1 minute

All North Sea Region projects are invited to join a two-day seminar, packed with insights and inspiration on project implementation. The event will take place in Billund, Denmark.

Who should join?

The two days in Billund are designed for project managers and finance managers from projects that were approved under call 1,2,3 and 4.  All projects can bring a maximum of two people per project. If the timing or location does not fit the project or finance manager, communication managers and workpackage leads are welcome to join. 

Have your say

We received valuable feedback on our survey. You can now find the preliminary agenda here.


We will meet in Legoland hotel in Billund, Denmark. Billund can be reached by train to Vejle, or for those further away, to fly to Billund airport.


Please register on this  event page before September 6. If more than two representatives from a project would like to participate we will create a waiting list for the third person.  




Credits: Canva \\ Muhammad Nur Auliady & goodmoments from Getty Images