In the third call for proposals, the Interreg North Sea Monitoring Committee has approved 16 regular projects and 3 small-scale projects. Also, 7 expressions of interest were approved.
The programme welcomed full applications in all 4 priorities (based on approved expressions of interest or a rejected full application), expression of interest in priority 1 and small-scale projects for priorities 1,3 and 4. Not all categories were open, due to limited remaining funds after the first two calls.
Approved applications in Call 3

- 3ST: Speeding up Sustainability Skills in Tourism
- NESSIE: NEw Skills & Spaces Impulse for the Education of aspirant energy-transition installers
- STORM_SAFE: Software reliability for critical infrastructures
- GRIT: Skills for a Green Industrial Transition
- BRAVE: Business Readiness Acceleration for innoVative regional Energy ecosystems
- DigiH4A: Digital Health for All
- DIGITAL KIOSKS: Innovative public-private-people partnerships to implement new infrastructure for the Sharing Economy of Goods
- DISCO: Digital solutions for climate adaptation
- GrHyT-NorS: Green Hydrogen Transport Transition in the North Sea Region
- OASIS: Offshore Accelerator for System Integration and Storage
- SSCH: Super Smart Charging Hubs

- BBoBB: Building Based on BioBased
- CLOSECYCLE: Closing cycles by products from residue-based bioresources on regional levels
- CTB: Demand trust for circular building materials
- GSC: Green Supply Chains – Building on synergies from greening strategies
- MM: Mobility Makers: Customising sustainable mobility mixes to fit users’ needs

- COOL CITIES: Cooling Networks: Reducing Outdoor Heat Stress in Cities
- DEMASK: Development and evaluation of noise management strategies to keep the North Sea healthy
- EXPBIO: Expanding transnational capacities to strengthen plant biodiversity and restoration in the NSR
- FIER: Flooding, Infrastructure, Evacuation, Resilience

- GLEAM NSR: Green logistics for a just net zero carbon economy in the North Sea Region
- Green Team: Improved governance mechanisms for integrated and pro-active climate adaptation planning in public spaces
- NS H2V Ports: North Sea Hydrogen Valley Ports
- Speak Up: Frameworks and models for citizen engagement and participation
- LISTEN: How to improve children’s and young people’s participation in the development of the society in the North Sea region
- SPIES: Shore Power In European Shipping
Welcome to the Interreg family
Congratulations to the new projects and welcome to the Interreg North Sea family! With limited funding remaining, the competiton was fierce.
We are looking forward to seeing these innovative ideas thrive to make the North Sea region an even better place. We would also like to congratulate the partnerships behind the successful expressions of interest.

The Monitoring Committee met in the Flemish city of Sint- Niklaas on 24 and 25 October.
Overview of funding allocated
The decisions made today allocate just over €42,2 million in ERDF funding. Norwegian funding was not available for small-scale project applications or for full applications in Call 3.
Below is an overview of allocations to projects in this call.

Approved projects per priority
The number of approved projects and expressions of interest in Call 3 are shown in the infographic below. Expressions of interest could only be submitted in priority 1. These expression of interest could also be joined by Norwegian partners with a maximum budget of €200,000 Norwegian funding.

Call 4
Call 4 will open on November 22, 2023 and close on March 8, 2024.
Due to limited funding remaining, only the following types of projects may apply in Call 4:
- full applications based on expressions of interest approved in Call 3
- priority 1 full applications that came from approved expressions of interest in Call 2 and were rejected in Call 3.
Before the call opens we will publish the guidance note which provides the guidelines for writing a successful application. We are looking forward to the submissions.
Remaining funding
Following calls 1, 2 and 3, the number of projects per priority is as follows:

With these projects approved, just over 90% of the available European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is allocated. In Call 1 and 2, close to 67% of Norwegian funding has been allocated.
It will soon be possible to follow how these projects get started. For now, you can find the progress of our Call 1 and Call 2 projects here.