About us
The green industrial transition intensifies critical skills gaps in the NSR. The Ports of Antwerp-Bruges and Hamburg develop into leading European hydrogen hubs; Groningen is moving away from natural gas extraction and is committed to build a green (hydrogen) economy. The regions share the common challenge that the vast investments in green energy technology is insufficiently matched by a human capital agenda. Shortages of skilled technicians are a crucial barrier to its regional economic development.
GRIT aims to support access to skilled technicians for the green industrial transition involving hydrogen and related techniques. Transnational cooperation strengthens the joint development of strategies and implementation of pilots to attract and (up-/re-) skill (future) technicians. GRIT consists of 3 main pillars:
- To grasp skills gaps and ensure close connection to regional labour market needs, GRIT develops a skills foresight tool targeting SMEs, vocational education and training (VET) and policy makers. These regional stakeholder consultations provide a roadmap for addressing quantitative and qualitative skills gaps.
- To increase the quantity of skilled technicians, GRIT develops and pilots a youth engagement program to attract future technicians for the green (hydrogen) industrial transition. Industry-based authentic learning experiences and storytelling engage youngsters for the green industrial transition. It connects youngsters to relevant VET courses and professions.
- To support the quality of skilled technicians, GRIT builds an ecosystem where industry and VET co-create a VET module that skills both VET students as well as re-/upskill employees. The early move towards a green (hydrogen) energy transition in the province of Groningen gives them the advantage to be able to share relevant VET learning materials. The close proximity of the VET centres CVO Vitant (Antwerp) and Ma-Co (Hamburg) to the ports enables the piloting of the VET module in relevant industries.