Our Pilots
SPINDERIHALLERNE is the Innovation and Entrepreneurship department within Vejle Municipality. They will be the leadpartner, coordinate the project, and will provide knowledge around entrepreneurship, circular value chains, servicedesign processes, and citizen engagement and events.
DRIVHUSET in Gothenburg will provide expertise on business innovation, business modeling, VUCA leadership, andwill bring wide experience in designing business innovation programs for SMEs, start-ups, and students.
De Republiek in Bruges is an incubator for projects focusing on crafts, creative entrepreneurship, citymaking, andsustainability. They will contribute with knowledge on makers, food, and circularity.
Danish Design Center (DDC) are experts in design methods and tools. They will provide the framework that thepartners will work with and will secure co-development, knowledge sharing, and scalability of the final concept.They will also contribute with knowledge within circular economy, behavioral design, and circular transitions incities.

Explore the pilots performed under this project.