Welcome to Green Retail
With funding from Interreg North Sea four international partners have joint forces to help 36 retail stores with a green transition in their business development.
In Belgium: De Republiek in Bruges will work with 12 makers.
In Sweden: Drivhuset in Gotheburg will work with 12 small retailers.
In Denmark: Spinderihallerne in Vejle will work with 12 retailers, both small and chains.
Danish Design Center will ensure the methology and drive the process of developing a "Green Retail Concept and Toolkit" based on the insights and learnings from the hands-on work with the 36 retail businesess. The Toolkit can be widely implemented and scaled in the North Sea region and beyond.
Futhermore the 3 pilot citites will attend a variety of events focusing on dialouges with the consumers about their circular behaviour and how to easily drive the green transition in their everyday life. Green Retail aims at reaching 10.000 consumers in the project period.