Page banner Image Breadcrumb Home Ehrin Output library Feel free to take a look at our presentations and interesting reports! Image Main contentEHRIN COMPETENCY FRAMEWORKCompetency framework for public authorties engaged in driving innovation and more specific, Hydrogen economies. It's based on desk research and contains real-life stories of 'orchestrators'. The competency framework is a important guide for management and human resources functions. H2 initiatives and ambitions - Activity 6Agenda, topics, balance and breaks DrentheEHRIN (GH2M) meeting Drenthe 30.09.2024 – 02.10.2024 Post Implementation ReviewRegional DNA & patterns of innovation - Activity 8A sketch of place-based and historical characteristics Hydrogen and History - Activity 8PIR Agenda, topics, balance and breaks Malmö - Activity 11EHRIN Malmö meeting 17-18 April 2024 Post Implementation Review - Activity 11PIR Agenda, topics, balance and breaks Hannover - Activity 11EHRIN Meeting Hannover Post-Implementation of EHRIN-Conference 28th / 29th February 2024Take-off Guide H2 DevelopmentEngagement strategy for regional hydrogen developmentStrategies accelerating pilot projects: Leine-WeserStrategies accelerating pilot projects: SkaneStrategies accelerating pilot projects: DrentheOutline of stakeholders