DISCO: A Fresh Perspective on Climate Adaptation in the North Sea Region
Imagine a disco ball spinning in a room, with each glimmer of light representing a challenge in our living environment. From water management and biodiversity to mobility and housing – the question remains the same: how do you choose the right measures for a climate-resilient future? And how do you ensure that citizens are actively involved in these decisions?
DISCO supports policymakers in tackling these complex challenges by strengthening their innovation power. DISCO encourages policymakers to discover the power of digital tools such as VR, digital twins, and smart visualizations, because these help provide a clear overview that enables decision-makers to make fair and effective choices. The partners within DISCO share their knowledge and successes with other decision-makers across the North Sea Region, accelerating the journey toward a safe and climate-resilient living environment for all.
Eleven partners from five countries participate in DISCO.