Welcome to DISCO
Authorities in the North Sea region urgently need to accelerate climate change adaptation (CCA), but face complex challenges in decision-making. This is due to the need to manage vast data and engage stakeholders fairly and on time.
Digital tools like AR, VR, and digital twins can help convert complex data into clear visuals, fostering a shared vision of solutions. However, successful implementation requires investment and trust between CCA authorities, the digital sector, and stakeholders. DISCO addresses this by developing a three-step approach: identifying needs, co-creating solutions, and ensuring sustainability, leading to:
a. an increased innovation power
b. plans to break down barriers for innovation
c. useful digital solutions for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), fit to be replicated.
DISCO aims to boost the innovation power of authorities in the North Sea region, ensuring digital solutions do accelerate CCA. This leads to enhanced innovation, the removal of barriers, and replicable, lasting digital solutions for climate adaptation across the North Sea region.