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Event 13.05.24 in Holwerd

Holwerd’s Residents are Committed to Upcoming Light Modifications!

Event 13.05.24 in Holwerd
2 minutes

The DARKER SKY project emphasizes the essential role of citizen participation in addressing light pollution and its impact on biodiversity. By adopting a bottom-up approach in Lauwersoog and Holwerd, we actively engage residents in our efforts. This approach ensures that the opinions of the people who are directly experiencing the light modifications are included and valued.

Event 13.05.24 in Holwerd

Photo: Jan-Willem van Kruyssen

In Holwerd, our demonstrator site, three areas will undergo light modifications: the pier area at the sea, the industrial area between Holwerd and the pier and four streets within the village itself (more information about the light modification areas). These changes aim to reduce light emissions and light pollution, affecting both public street lighting and private household lighting. For these measures to be successful, we need the acceptance of the public light modifications and willingness of the residents to participate with their own households.

On 13th of May 2024, we invited representatives from the four streets in Holwerd to learn about the DARKER SKY project and discuss their involvement. Before the meeting, we conducted a survey to assess their thoughts on light, light pollution and its impacts on well-being and biodiversity. This survey provides us with a kind of baseline measurement to investigate how the project and light modifications affected the residents. Initially, many participants believed their village was already quite dark at night and associated artificial light at night (ALAN) primarily with road and social safety. They were surprised to realize they had never seen the Milky Way from their village. Nighttime photos were shown and revealed the significant presence of ALAN in their community.

Through a presentation and discussion, the participants became aware of the importance of darkness. More importantly, they expressed a strong commitment to the project. These residents are now our ambassadors for the bottom-up approach in the DARKER SKY pilot in Holwerd, working together to create a darker, more natural night environment for all.