'Nacht van de Nacht' in Holwerd - in Dutch
Find the programme in Dutch here
On Saturday, October 26, 2024, the 'Nacht van de Nacht' (Night of the Night) will be organized for the nineteenth time, an annual event set up by the Dutch Nature and Environmental Federations to raise awareness about light pollution. Across the Netherlands, companies and municipalities will turn off the lights of buildings and billboards and we are joining in Holwerd! The activities will take place from 14:00 to 22:30 at the Multifunctional Center De Ynset (De Morgenzon 7, Holwert).
The event will be held in Dutch.

14:00 -Presentation of DARKER SKY: Explanation of the project, the local pilots in Holwert and Lauwersoog and the Light Challenge 2025.
15:00 - Lecture: ‘Effects of artificial light on animals’ by experts from Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences.
15:30 -Workshop with XR planning tools (VR/AR): Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) organizes a workshop where light planners, local businesses and residents collaborate on new lighting strategies for Holwert, led by Carlijn Timmermans (C.Light.Wise).
16:00 -Children in action: Children from Holwert and the surrounding area can work with experts to develop their own action plan for a brighter future.
18:00 -Dark Sky Dinner: Enjoy dinner during sunset.
20:00 - Stargazing with De Nachtkijkers. Whether you're an experienced stargazer or discovering what's above you for the first time, we can increase your knowledge while you look through the telescopes. We’ll share stories, show you stars and planets and help you recognise what you see. The universe awaits you!
21:00 -Light measurements at demonstration locations in Holwert, led by Piet Zijlstra (PolyCiviel). How does Holwert score in terms of nighttime lighting? Measuring is knowing; is it time to turn off the lights?
In Friesland, the project is coordinated by Landmakers Coöperatie U.A., Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences and the municipality of Heerenveen. Holwerd is one of the pilot locations of the project and plays a crucial role in raising awareness about light pollution and the importance of darkness for nature and the experience of the Wadden Coast. Local participants will have the opportunity to design their own lighting proposals using VR/AR technologies and participate in light and biodiversity measurements.
Come and experience the Night of the Night in Holwerd! Join this unique event and discover how we can contribute to reducing light pollution and strengthening our natural environment together.
For more information, please contact Jan-Willem van Kruyssen at jw@vankruyssen.eu or +31 631665582.