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Living as a Service: Apps Building Happy, Sustainable Communities

2 minutes

On February 25, SHARE-North Squared hosted its fourth webinar in our webinar series. This time our focus was on Living as a Service. Living as a Service is closely linked to our goal of promoting shared mobility within housing developments.

Our guests for this webinar were Thomas Grabley and Sebastian Denker from GEWOBA and Felix Grimsrud from Heime. Cornelia Cordes from Bremen moderated for the first time. 

First, Cornelia Cordes gives us a short overview of Living as a Service and how it fits into our project goal of trying to promote shared mobility within housing developments. 

Next up, Felix Grimsrud from the Stavanger based company Heime takes the stage to introduce their app, suitable called 'Heime' or home. Through their own experiences they have created an app that builds communities and strengthens those communities through sharing both space and utilities. Heime has grown to be the leading living as a service company in Norway. 

Lastly, Sebastian Denker and Thomas Grabley introduce the new app that their German building company 'GEWOBA' has created. Their app is still in the early stages as they have just started a pilot in the Vahr district. They show us the main features of the app and how the app came to be. 

Both companies give us an example of how apps can build not only community, but also happiness. 

If you missed the webinar or want to listen again, you can find it below. You can also find the presentations of our speakers. 

Remote video URL
Episode 4

February 25, the SHARE-North Squared Webinar Series discusses "Living as a Service".

Our guests for this webinar are Thomas Grabley and Sebastian Denker from GEWOBA and Felix Grimsrud from Heime.

Both companies have developed an app that tries to create communities where people know each other and can share both space and utilities. Today, they will introduce their apps to us.