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hunnebo sotenäs

Municipality of Sotenäs

Hub Pilot and Lead Partner

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Sotenäs Hub Pilot Case: Center of Symbiosis

Sotenäs Center of Symbiosis is a hub to facilitate and support industrial and social symbiosis between companies, organisations and the civil society in the municipality and at the same time raise the skills of the population as a valuable resource. Sotenäs Center of Symbiosis is an active meeting place and a knowledge center for sustainable development, with the vision:

Sotenäs Center of Symbiosis shall be a leading actor in maritime development. We are an innovative hub in an environment where the human meeting is the basis for the transition to a circular economy. With the sea as the basis, we strengthen the existing business and create opportunities for new green businesses.



Municipality of Sotenäs

Emma Ek, Leif Andreasson, Mikael Gustafsson Stina Gottlieb, Per Svensson, Åsa Andersson, Jessica Simonsson, Julia Skälegård and Mathias Skarp 

We create a sustainable world together
Industrial and social symbiosis creates the conditions for new green jobs and a more resource efficient and sustainable society. Through collaboration around competence, development, expertise and networks, knowledge is built that will supply the symbiosis actors, become the future entrepreneurs and employees of the business world.

Industrial ans social symbiosis
In an industrial symbiosis, one's waste or residual product becomes another's raw material. The motto is that there is no waste – only resources. Through collaborations, the system becomes more resource efficient than if everyone optimizes their own operations. When companies actively work together with each other's flows, physical symbioses arise. Win-win situations arise!

Social symbiosis focus on human resources and competence.  Without the right person in the right place, there will be no green transition. The social symbiosis is populated by all the people!
The work aims to support the entrepreneurs in the green economy, contribute to securing the competence supply of the personnel required, connect innovators with business developers or entrepreneurs with research and development resources. 

Please visit Sotenäs Symbioscentrum HERE

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Setting: Rural/Coastal, area in the Västra Götaland County (Sweden),  Located by the North Sea.

Main regional business: Maritime activities, Tourism, Fishing, Symbiosis businesses

Challenges in focus: Lacking civil society. Excessive emphasis on individual-level collaboration with specific representatives of the organization rather than fostering a broader organizational engagement (personal business attachment). Issues with engaging young citizens. Housing problems.