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Joint WP1 and 2

Spring update

Joint WP1 and 2
3 minutes

Spring update from SIRR


What a busy spring, it has been so far! After the Kick-off in Febuary, the main focus has been on starting up the WP's and the hub activities. Meeting activity online has been high, and on top of the agenda is getting a closer knowledge of the daily life in and the people behind the SIRR hubs. It is great to get to know the partners and understand the hubs and local conditions better. 

In addition to the exciting meetings and activities, we have continuously worked on more technical issues such as the first status report, agreements, and adjustments in the application - among other things.

Tomorrow, May 16, is our next big partnership meeting. We will meet online and on the agenda is reporting, partnership agreement, logbook, and a minor workshop on Impact Challenge. 

WP1 2 _TrENDi

Joint WP1 and WP2 online meeting with TrENDi

WP1 and WP2 – update from Stina Gottlieb, Municipality of Sotenäs and Michael Ax, Skagen Education Centre

As set out at the kickoff in Sotenäs we now have regular joint WP1 & WP2 online meetings. We have focused on meeting all the hubs and mapping their status to get a better knowledge of the characteristics of the hubs and the local areas they are part of. During the meetings we have discussed activities at the hubs and how it connects to the sub-activities. Each hub has given a very interesting update on where they are now on their development journey, organisation, key stakeholders, and an introduction to local challenges and points of interest. 

WP1 and WP2 have also started with joint WP-meetings where all the hubs participate.  We share experiences, discuss challenges and possibilities, and aim to identify relevant methods and tools that can support the work at the hubs. 

The meetings offer a very good overview of hub development and a good basis for identifying common challenges or focus points. Next step is to connect hubs that share characteristics or challenges with the aim of exchanging experiences and knowledge. 



Hubmeeting. Aarhus University visiting The Association of Stenvad Mosebrug.

WP3 – update from Karl Martin Born, University of Vechta 

The kickoff meeting at Sotenäs and the small workshop reinforced our recognition that analyzing the multi-helix hubs in our network will be a challenging task. Our goal of identifying inhibiting and supporting factors can only be achieved if the academic partners work closely together.

Therefore, we held an online meeting with the academic partners with three goals: 

1.    to clarify what experience was available with Multi Helix Model  

2.    what the expectations were for SIRR, and 

3.    what our research approach should be. We concluded that we would take a multidimensional comparative approach

Before the next meeting in Vechta, we want to have conducted the first survey in order to be able to verify the findings obtained from an analysis of existing research.


Skagen and Sotenäs_april 2023

Lead Partner, Municipality of Sotenäs, visiting Assistant Lead Partner, Skagen Education Centre, in April.

Three months have already passed since the Kick-off event in Sweden earlier this year. One of the highlights of this spring for sure. We are such a great and enthusiastic group, and I hope I'm not just speaking for myself when I say that I'm already excited about the next physical event in Vechta later this year. I am looking forward to following the project's and the hub's developments - we have exciting years ahead!

- Emma Ek, Project Manager