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Many good ideas!

How do we build strong rural areas together?

Many good ideas!
4 minutes

That was the main question when the Sotenas Hub - Centre of Symbiosis invited to mingle and discuss on an open evening event. We all agree that mingle, canapés and brainstorming is a good starting point for the future. The evening event began with an inspiring lecture Live Life Alive. Already here, seeds were sown about how important the word Together is: "Life is a joint project".

In one of the proposals, the importance of better cooperation between the localities in the municipality was also emphasized. Because this is not just about politics, but about what we all can do for a better future. What can you do?

The Sotenas Hub invited to an open mingle, snacks and joint reflection; all about to make the countryside more attractive. In the municipality, there are enthusiasts, imaginative entrepreneurs and civil society - but how can we collaborate and lift each other? Together, we create the municipality and rural area where people want to live, contribute and move in.

During a tour of the mingle tables, Sotenäs got to hear thoughts, reflections and ideas that can make their municipality more attractive and inclusive. Join them and listen to the conversation around the tables:

"Children and young people should be able to have meaningful leisure time. One way to achieve this is to reintroduce a bus pass that also works in the evening. This would make activities more accessible to everyone. You might want to go to football, fencing or judo but don't live in the right place and have no one to drive you. With a bus pass you can travel between the towns in the municipality. I would also like to see better cooperation in the associations, so that you can easily see the entire range of activities in the municipality. A calendar of monthly happenings, perhaps?"

"We need to work together across political borders but also between our localities. It should not be "us and them". It is us together. I lack a summary of all the meeting places that exist in the municipality and I think we need to work more consciously to strengthen the community. The key note speaker said that we often use the expression: "Have a good day" but instead can say "Make a good day". Words are not enough, we need action; we need to do something good. That's where we have the great opportunity for development."

"Everything the non-profit organizations do provides great value to the municipality. If we want to work better together, we would like these efforts to be valued more by the municipality, for example by being allowed to borrow a room to arrange an event. The event benefits the whole municipality, and you get so much back if you are flexible and supportive."

"I think the municipality should invest in having a kind of pilot for part-year residents, so that it is easier for them to get to know full-year residents. You could also offer an introduction to matching local businesses with the skills that many part-year residents possess. They might be sitting here and working remotely. I think that could make more people want to move here permanently."

"It's difficult to be an entrepreneur out here, for example when you need accommodation for your summer staff. I'm also thinking about all the processes you may need support with. Maybe the municipality can help with that."

"We need to stop talking about The season. Here is winter, spring, summer and fall. We don't have to say that the season is over. We are always in season!"

Yes, there were many good thoughts aired during the mingle. And a municipality and rural area is also a joint project. The local councillor in Sotenäs spoke about her close cooperation with opposition councillor: "We work together for the future of the municipality. And all citizens in Sotenäs are needed to make this a good municipality together."

She sums up the identity of Sotenäs municipality: "I have moved into this area and have noticed that there is a true soul in the municipality; the sea, fishing and stone carving. It is tradition but also the future."

Together, we create the municipality where people want to live, contribute and move in.
Thoughts and reflections.
Mingle, canapés and brainstorming is a good starting point for the future.