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SIRR green

Commercial aquaponics: Unlocking opportunities and tackling barriers

And how to facilitate innovation in coastal and rural areas?

Presentation and talk. You are welcome to join, please find link below.

Date: 30/08/2024 8:50am - 9:50am
Location: Online (Teams)
SIRR green

Presentation & Talk

Märta Tivesten and Moa Lorentzson, students from the University of Gothenborg, have explored the barriers to commercial aquaponics in Sweden and identified ways to overcome them. Several lessons can be applied to innovation in general, providing insights for the SIRR project as we aim to promote innovation in coastal and rural areas through collaboration. 

Join us for an insightful presentation and discussion session, where we explore this further.


The session is open for everyone interested - please join Teams online via this link:


Teams - direct link to the seminar 

Seminarie aug 2024