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Floating Bike Data Session

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1 minute

On September 15, an interesting MegaBITS workshop regarding Floating Bike Data (FBD) took place. Over 50 participants joined this workshop - not only MegaBITS partners, but also other interested parties such as local regional and authorites authorities, knowledge institutes and market parties. Floating Bike Data experts from Hermes, Digital Flanders, Dutch Cycling Intelligence, Geovelo and Bike Data Project also presented on their experience with FBD and the developments regarding FBD in their countries.

After the presentations, a fruitful discussion followed. The main take-aways from the discussion are:

  • It is expensive to collect FBD compared to Floating Car Data (FCD), as FCD is a by-product. The business case for FBD is much more difficult than for FCD. A combination of the various FBD sources is needed to get a minimum level of quantity and quality of data.
  • A standardisation of FBD is needed, both in the definition/meaning of data and the technical exchange of data.
  • It is important to define the policy questions (use cases) first, only then you can formulate the FBD requirements.
  • This workshop stresses the importance of knowledge and experience exchange with respect to collecting and working with FBD. Don’t reinvent the wheel!


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