Page banner Breadcrumb Home Manabas Coast Library PublicationsMarketing MaterialStory MapsMain content Publications NbS Fundamentals for MANABAS COASTNbS are being applied in many areas, with a lot of fragmented knowledge and information. To actively implement, upscale and mainstream NbS, a common understanding of their characteristics, benefits and impediments is necessary: the NbS Fundamentals.NbS principles for MANABAS COASTThis document provides an overview of the common language and shared principles on NbS, in order to establish a mutual understanding on this topic between partners within MANABAS COAST.Leaflet Integrated System-based Asset ManagementA short introduction and reflection on its relevance as an approach for mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions within the Interreg MANABAS COAST project.NBS Integrated Systems Approach InfographicAn infographic slide deck on mainstreaming of NBS.Baseline Report Sand Motor (NL)Description and baseline assessment of the Sand Motor Pilot (NL) (Sandy Case).Baseline Report North Holland Coast (NL)Description and baseline assessment of the North Holland Coast pilot (NL) (Sandy Case)Baseline Report Greater Copenhagen (DK)Description and baseline assessment of the Greater Copenhagen pilot (DK) (Sandy Case).Baseline Report Flanders Raversijde (BE)Description and baseline assessment of the Raversijde Pilot (BE) (Sandy Case)Baseline Report North Coast of France (FR)Description and baseline assessment of Lancieux Bay & Orne Estuary & Baie d’Authie pilots (FR) (Muddy Case).Baseline Report Hedwige-Prosper Polder (NL/BE)Description and baseline assessment of the Hedwige Prosper Polder pilot (NL/B) (Muddy Case).Baseline Report Halliger Islands (DE)Description and baseline assessment of Halliger Islands pilot (DE) (Muddy Case).Baseline report East Frisia Wadden Sea (DE)Description and baseline assessment of the East Frisia Wadden Sea pilot (DE) (Muddy Case).Baseline Report 8Fjordar (SE)Description and baseline assessment of pilots Köleröd, Glose, Kyrkeby kile and Bärby (SE) (Muddy Case).Baseline Report Dutch Wadden Sea (NL)Description and baseline assessment of Dutch Wadden Sea pilot (NL) (Muddy Case).Baseline Report Skåne Coast (SE)Description and baseline assessment of the Skåne Coast Pilot (SE) (Sandy Case) Marketing Material Manabas Coast project posterManabas Coast project poster Story Maps