The LISTEN project aims to build knowledge regarding the participation and engagement of youth in the planning and decision-making of societies in the North Sea Region. Co-financed by EU Interreg North Sea Programme, the project consists of the lead partner, the County Administrative Board of Skåne (SE), along with project partners ADICE (FR) and Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality (DK).
During the project, which will span over a period of 18 months from December 2023, an initial comparative analysis will be carried out by the project partners to map the current state of play regarding existing policies for youth participation in societal planning and decision-making. Thereafter, the project will, together with local action groups, investigate ongoing initiatives and good examples to strengthen youth participation in the partner regions that could be applicable for implementation across the entire North Sea Region.
Based on the analysis and the following discussions with the project partners and local working groups, the project will result in an operational manual for the North Sea region. This manual will provide recommendations and initiatives on how local and regional authorities can work to increase the participation and influence of children and young people in planning and decision-making at the local and regional levels.
Project partners

The County Administrative Board of Skåne
The County Administrative Board is a swedish government authority that exists in close proximity to the people in each county in Sweden. We are an important link between the people and the municipal authorities on the one hand and the government, parliament and central authorities on the other.

Association pour le Développement des Initiatives Citoyennes et Européennes (ADICE)
ADICE (Association for the Development of Citizen and European Initiatives), is a non-profit association created in February 1999 in Roubaix. Sinceitscreation, the Association for the Development of Citizen and European Initiatives (ADICE) has been promotingequalopportunities by enablingeveryone to experience life abroad, thanks to various French and Europeanmoblity programs.

Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune
Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality is a municipality in the Region of Southern Denmark. It covers and area of 638 km² and has a total population of 52,253.