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Seadvise (SAE)
Relevant Thematic Competences and Experiences
Seadvise is a shipping company/maritime consultant that focuses on domestic/coastal/IWT seaborne transportation. As entrepreneurs and early movers we have a solid reputation and network enabling a market reach for the envisaged platform. Our focus is on handling materials like, masses, gravel, waste (non-dangerous) etc.
Role in the Project
In this project, Seadvise plays a pivotal role in various work packages (WP) as follows:
- WP1: Seadvise is part of the Swedish FFC and is building the network with other participants as well as contributing with the operational perspective and market knowledge of bulk flows where IWT can be used.
- WP2: Seadvise develops a test bed for conceptualizing and analyzing the potential of green shipping technologies, as well as exemplifying potential IWT services as part of logistics solutions when applying the digitalized tool for matching senders and receivers.
- WP3: Seadvise analyses cost and market data for bulk flows providing input and driving the business model development.
Benefits of Participation
Participating in the InnoWaTr2.0 project presents several several benefits to Seadvise:
- As a champion and developer of the IWT and domestic shipping market in Sweden/Scandinavia Seadvise is creating a digitalized market platform. Getting feedback and support from different stakeholders and the academic sphere is extremely useful and it also helps in promoting IWT to a broader audience. Being part of InnoWaTr/Interreg also gives legitimacy to the entire project when marketing the platform to cargo owners.